Sansui 4 channel QS decoder QSD-1 up for Auction


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
QQ Supporter
Dec 6, 2010
New Zealand . Hobsonville Rd. West Harbour
Hi. All
There is another Sansui 4 channel QS decoder QSD-1 up for Auction at JAUCE it seems in good condition and working 4 days left, and going at the moment for 1yen. about $0.006 US. +++ a bargain at the moment +++

( check bost )



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Agh! Please don't call it a "synthesizer", even if Sansui once did. It synthesizes nothing, just extracts what is already recorded in the mix!

Wonder what the coloured caps are supposed to be for?
Agh! Please don't call it a "synthesizer", even if Sansui once did. It synthesizes nothing, just extracts what is already recorded in the mix!

Wonder what the coloured caps are supposed to be for?
People call it Synthesizer as you said, because Sansui called it QS Synthesizer Hall & Surround. Playing back over only straight QS is more of a straight extraction from stereo. About the only point you and I disagree with over the decades.

Having said that I still prefer the Sansui Synthesizer Surround mode for stereo.
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Surround mode just stretches the audio around the room, presented across four speakers instead of two. IMHO that does not qualify as being synthetic in any way. It is actually more natural than playing stereo through the QS mode which puts left and right extremes into front and rear speakers simultaneously, sort of a double stereo. QS mode playing a stereo source would therefore be more "synthetic" than the other two modes.

I think that they called it a "synthesizer" for two reasons. First it is descriptive for those who haven't got a clue, creating four channels from only two (that can't be real) so it must be synthesized then! Back in the early days I tended to refer to all decoders as synthesizers.

The other more obvious/likely reason is that the older QS-1 was also called a synthesizer. That unit with it's rather weird (but cool) phase modulation scheme would to me count more as a synthesizer.

Sorry about veering so far off track. I might place a bid just for the fun of it, I still have a small deposit at JAUCE.
Agh! Please don't call it a "synthesizer", even if Sansui once did. It synthesizes nothing, just extracts what is already recorded in the mix!

Wonder what the coloured caps are supposed to be for?
Sorry ....par4ken.... you are so right it's a QS Decoder, I am so lazy I just cut and pasted the text and did not evaluate what it said..
"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;"

Nay, nary a thought of sugar plums cavorting throughout my cranium. Perhaps I am an oddity, a warped Bombastic Baby Boomer squawking and screeching when Eisenhower was El Presidente of the land who evolved with the USA society through the years. Me, not Eisenhower. He's dead.

A proud ex-member of the Radio Shack free battery monthly club with the membership card ensconced in the comfy confines of my wallet until that awesome entity died an ignominious death thanks to ne'er-do-wells in a corporate boardroom lacking vision and awareness of current realities.

Wandering through the fog of life when the quad era enveloped the unwashed masses but my beloved Hai Karate smothered my stench (another deceased entity) as I observed but did not purchase quad when it filled the shelves. Sigh. Alas. Relentless unstoppable time (ignoring quantum mechanics in this diatribe) pushed me forward until that eventful day in 1992 at the hot but lacking humidity oven of Modesto, California, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe, 95350 when, within the air-conditioned confines of the Starvation Army thrift store my wandering eyes settled upon the electronic device slumbering upon the shelf. The rest is history that shall be written about sometime in the future if my ancient, withered carcass and the addled brain it carries survives long enough to perform that deed.
Anyway, my dreams are of acquiring quality quad gear at affordable-to-me prices. Dreams they are and will remain so unless extremely unlikely events occur. Sniff. Sigh. I miss my QRX-9001 and the three lesser Sansui quad receivers and sundry decoders and demodulators and quad 8-track and reel-to-reel tape units and CD-4 capable Technics turntable and several other quad receivers that came and went with that Sony an enjoyable fellow but ever-changing life has led to my final source of audio enlightenment:

How the mighty have fallen.

And a Merry Christmas to all and a groovy New Year and Keep On Quadding!!!!!!!!


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